Friday 19 April 2019

Agriculture Trends

Technology is taking over every field very rapidly and there is no way that the agriculture sector can be left behind. Introduction of autosteer in new agricultural machines and plant genetics is making a huge impact on farming in this year.

agriculture trends

Farmers are completing their work in less time and also making profits. The implementation of the new technologies only possible because of young producers. They are educated and quick learner.

Smart farmers keep micro & macro differences in their mind’s eye because it allows them to remain ambitious. Here are a few changes in the agriculture area that should be kept in memory while working in the agriculture sector

1. As we all aware of climate change and temperature increase as passing years. Researcher shows us that each 1.8°F increase in temperature, key harvest yields down 10%. So these data are scary as hell and it will make a difficult for the farmer in upcoming years.

Farmers should keep water resources in handy because the rise in temp will also affect the water level.

2. The discovery of genetically modified organism (GMO) and other technology in farming is increasing day by day which is leading to the extensive input of new tech which requires to be observed. So the producer should keep checking with this research.

3. Human population increasing and they require more land to settle also the responsibility is shifted from the old to a new generation. Farming community keep in check the area of interest of the new generation.

4. The new techniques like Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought so much comfort in the field that it has now become so easy to predict the pest disease in your product very early. There is various agriculture equipment that are using these features and helping farmers in increasing productivity.

5. One of the most significant features to be kept in mind in order to grow on your own i.e government policies. Policies will not only improve the growth of the producer but will also increase the overall commercial result.

6. Banks, Government and many agriculture equipment manufacturers are helping farmers to get the agriculture machine on a lease or on instalments. Also, There are farm equipment rental services available where they can rent agricultural equipment.

Hope we cover the most important trends that are going to rule agriculture in upcoming years.

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